Past Projects
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Preservation Community Service Day
March 2023
BLH Project partnered with Oikonos and the Hawaii Audobon Society to clean up the Freeman Seabird Preserve on the Kahala Coast. This preserve is the nesting ground for the Wedge-tailed Shearwater or ‘Ua‘u kani. To prepare for the breeding season, BLH Project Volunteers built bird homes, removed invasive species, and planted native plants through out the Preserve.
Native Plant Project
December 2022
BLH Project hosted a native plant sale to encourage community members to plant native plants and promote the sustainability of our native ecosystem in Hawaii. Invasive species compete with native plants for food, water, sunlight and space and have started to dominate much of the ecosystem across the state. By selling native plants at an affordable price, this is an opportunity to not only make these plants more accessible but also to educate our community on the importance of sustaining our native ecosystem.
Together we were able to get 437 more native plants out into the community!
Thank you to Mari's Garden, Pangs Nursery and Hui Ku Maoli Ola for supporting this project.
Kamānele Park Community Service Day
November 2022
BLH Project volunteers cleared aver 30 bags of invasive vegetation from the heiau site at Kamānele Park in Manoa.
Sustainability Educators Grant: Ho'opulapula Academy
Devin Takahashi, Lani Alo-Chu, John Ezell, Hoʻopulapula Academy
Nanakuli Intermediate & High School
Hoʻopulapula Academy teaches 7th and and 8th grade students their core courses of science, math, and social government through a place and culture-based curriculum. With an extensive mala or school garden, students have the opportunity to participate in hands-on learning experiences as they learn to cultivate and harvest plants as well as care for animals. Through the BLH Projectʻs Sustainability Educatorʻs Grant, the Hoʻopulapula Academy will be expanding their livestock production program.
Sustainability Educators Grant: Ka'ohao Public Charter School
Rainbow Pharaon & Parker Sawyer
Kaʻohao Public Charter School
The 6th grade class curriculum at Kaʻohao is rich in stewardship and leadership as they connect their core studies to STEM/STEAM and place-based learning. Throughout the school campus, students tend to school gardens and assist in the schoolʻs zero waste revolution. The BLH Projectʻs Sustainability Educatorʻs Grant funds were used to purchase a water catchment system. Students are currently researching which rooftops would be the best for the system and will use water collection data to inform their plant selections in the garden.
Storm Drain Marking Community Service Project
November 2021
Moiliili, Honolulu, HI